Way back in July I posted about Amazon's Kindle device. My main complaint back then about having a digital library for Kindle was that most of what I read is not available in Kindle format. I also wondered why there weren't more available what with all the digital versions of biblical studies resources created for Bibleworks and Logos.
I have since discovered that more of the books I'm interested in reading have appeared in Kindle format over the last several months. Back in July, I think I found 3 or 4. The prices have also dropped. David Carr's book was $28 in July but it's $19.25 now.
Here's a list of what I've found for biblical studies (especially Hebrew Bible, Judaism, and religious studies) now available for Kindle (listed alphabetically). The asterisk * indicates its on one of our reading lists at UW-Madison.
Robert Alter - The Book of Psalms
*Robert Alter - The Art of Biblical Narrative
David Carr - Writing on the Tablet of the Heart
Shai Cherry - Torah Through Time
Brevard Childs - Introduction to the Old Testament as Scripture
John Collins - Introduction to the Hebrew Bible
James Crenshaw - Defending God
*William Dever - Who Were the Early Israelites and Where did They Come From?
William Dever - Did God Have a Wife?
*William Dever - What Did the Biblical Writers Know and When Did They Know It?
Peter Enns - Inspiration and Incarnation
Hanan Eshel - The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Hasmonean State
Craig Evans and Emanuel Tov - Exploring the Origins of the Bible
*Israel Finkelstein - The Bible Unearthed
Richard Hess - Israelite Religions
*Barry Holtz - Back to the Sources
Jodi Magness - The Archaeology of Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls
Roland Murphy - The Tree of Life
George Nickelsburg - Jewish Literature Between the Bible and the Mishnah
Susan Niditch - War in the Hebrew Bible
Peter Schaefer - Jesus in the Talmud
William Schniedewind - Primer on Ugaritic
Rodney Stark - Discovering God
Benjamin Wright, ed. - A New English Translation of the Septuagint
There are even more if your interests run more towards NT or theology or Christian history materials. I think it's quite an impressive increase for the last 7 months.
Now these books require purchase, but you can get the whole text of the Bible for free in the English Standard Version. That alone makes it worth it, right?