Sunday, August 31, 2008

Blog Day 2008

David Ker got the Blog Day celebration started off, and Doug Chaplin was nice enough to include me in the celebration. So here are 5 blogs that I've been reading that might not be as well known as they deserve to be. At the very least, they're fairly new to me.

1. Old in the New. James Darlack posts on a variety of things, but I share his interest in "the use of the Old Testament in later Jewish and Christian literature." It looks like he's been blogging for a while, but he's new to me and I've found his blog interesting so far.

2. New Testament Student. Josh McManaway has some insightful things to say for an undergrad studying religion at East Carolina University.

3. Biblia Theologica. The blog of Dr. Ardel Caneday at Northwestern College in St. Paul. Dr. Caneday was one of my professors when I was doing my undergrad at Northwestern.

4. Random Bloggings. Calvin Park, an MDiv student at Gordon-Conwell, occasionally posts random things related to the Bible, especially the Hebrew Bible. He's promised to post more regularly now that summer's over.

5. Observatório Bíblico. Airton José da Silva blogs in Portuguese on interesting things related to the Hebrew Bible. I read in translation until I actually learn Portuguese.

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link in your "Non-English Biblioblogs that I pretend to be able to read". The 5 blogs are fantastic blogs. Dios te bendiga.
